National Honor Society
Article I
The name of this organization shall be the Milton High School National Honor Society
Article II
The purpose of the Milton High School Chapter of the National Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop the character of its members.
Article III
Role of Principal
Section 1: The Milton High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall operate under the authority of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).
Section2: The principal shall reserve the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter. The principal shall also appoint a member of the faculty as chapter advisor and a Faculty Selection Committee composed of five members of the school faculty. Both the chapter advisor and members of the Faculty Selection Committee may serve consecutive terms. The principal shall also hear appeals in cases of non-selection of candidates, and appeals concerning the disciplining or dismissal of members.
Article IV
Definition of Membership
The membership of the Milton High School chapter of the Nation Honor Society shall be composed of juniors and seniors who have fulfilled the academic requirements of the Milton High School chapter of the National Honor Society and who have successfully demonstrated that their leadership, service, and character meet the criteria of the National Honor Society. That evaluation shall be determined by the Faculty Selection Committee. Once selected for induction, all new member must pay $25 dues for events, supplies, and activities within the National Honor Society, and senior members must pay an additional fee for their stole and/or cords.
Article V
Selection of Members
Section 1: Juniors and Seniors who have attended at least one semester at Milton High School, have taken at least two honors level (or higher) courses at Milton and who have an unweighted cumulative GPA of 92 or higher will be invited to apply for membership.
Section 2: Interested candidates will complete forms concerning their character and leadership and service activities to demonstrate that they exemplify the characteristics of a member of the National Honor Society.
Section 3: The Faculty Committee will review the applications and assign a numerical value to the examples provided by the applicants. Applicants will also receive a score for their scholarship based upon a 92 GPA overall unweighted average.
Section 4: Notification of acceptances will be sent to the applicants.
Section 5: Applicants must successfully complete all new member requirements.
Section 6: Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony.
Article VI
There will be at least one general membership meeting every month. Subsequent general membership meetings will be scheduled on an "as needed" basis. Meeting dates and times will be announced and posted. It is the responsibility of the students to learn of meeting times and dates and to attend them on time. Members are required to attend the monthly meetings.
Article VII
Duties and Responsibilities
Section 1: The Officers
All officers will be elected from the student membership in April.
All board members will be elected from the student membership in September.
The officers will conduct chapter meetings and be responsible for any special activities and fundraising by the chapter. The officers are also responsible for communicating information concerning meetings and other issues to the membership.
The officers will be jointly responsible for:
Organizing the chapter's group service activities and making sure members register and perform the group service projects.
Keeping records of that service. Those records must always be up to date for review of the chapter advisor.
The officers are responsible for recording minutes of any meetings and publishing those minutes to the chapter website.
The board members will be jointly responsible for:
Helping create, plan and facilitate service projects within different categories that all serve the Milton community.
Promote and create excitement for service projects.
Section 2: The Advisor. The chapter advisor will be responsible for the direct, day-to-day supervision of the chapter and will act as liaison for the chapter with the faculty, administration, students, and community. The advisor shall maintain files on member ship, chapter history, activities, and financial transactions. The advisor shall send the annual report to the national office. The advisor shall periodically review each member for compliance with honor society standards and obligations and help the chapter officers understand and carry out their duties. Finally, the advisor shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the selection committee.
Section 3: Members. To remain in good standing, members must maintain a cumulative GPA of 92 unweighted or higher and to complete in a timely fashion twenty hours per semester of approved and verified service. Each semester, at least 10 hours must be served through Milton NHS opportunities, and a maximum of 5 hours can be earned through donations. Members are required to attend all monthly meetings. Students are also required to honor the terms of their ethical pledge. Students, who cheat, lie, act dishonestly, plagiarize, fail to comply with the chapter's membership requirements and/or deadlines, violate Milton High School's student code of behavior, or break the law outside of school is subject to disciplinary proceedings by the Faculty Selection Committee pursuant to chapter by-laws.
Article VIII
Elections and Removal of Officers
Section 1: Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote by the membership at the April meeting each year and board members will be elected in September.
Section 2: Should the chapter advisor determine that an officer is neglecting his or her duties to the detriment of the chapter, the advisor will warn the officer of the problem and give the officer an opportunity to improve. If there is no improvement or the improvement is negligible, the chapter advisor will instruct the officer to leave that office. A chapter meeting will be called to elect another student to replace the dismissed officer.
Article IX
Conducting Meetings
Meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.
Article X
Ratifying the Bylaws
Bylaws will be ratified by the Faculty Selection Committee and approved by the school administration. Such ratification will be deemed binding on subsequent members, subject to future amendments
Article XI
Amending the Bylaws
Section 1: Any amendment should be presented to the chapter and to the Faculty Selection Committee one month before a vote on that amendment takes place.
Section 2: An amendment must have the support of at least five members before it can be brought to the attention of the membership and the Faculty Selection Committee.
Section 3: Revisions to the procedures for selection, disciplining, and dismissal of members can only be changed by the Faculty Selection Committee.
Section 4: A two-thirds majority vote from the membership shall be required for an amendment to pass. This does not apply to revisions to the procedures for selection, disciplining, and dismissal of members, which can only be changed by the Faculty Selection Committee.
Article XII
Discipling and Dismissing Members
Section 1: Membership in Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society is a privilege, not a right, and students who join the chapter are by that action accepting the responsibilities of maintaining their membership in good standing.
Section 2: Obligations of members in good standing of Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society include but are not limited to:
Acting in good character, as defined by the ethical pledge taken by all members prior to join Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society. Students, who cheat, lie, act dishonestly, plagiarize, fail to comply with the chapter's membership requirements and/or deadlines, violate Milton High School's student code of behavior, or break the law outside of school is subject to disciplinary proceedings by the Faculty Selection Committee pursuant of chapter bylaws. Any action deemed to be unethical and/or illegal may also be considered in this context, whether committed in or out of school;
Maintaining a strong academic standing, defined here as at least a 92 unweighted cumulative average throughout the school year;
Fulfilling all service obligations in a timely and complete manner;
Fulfilling all meetings obligations and arriving at those meetings on time;
Section 3: Students are liable for discipline measures and/or dismissal if they fail to meet their obligations as members of Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society. If a student is dismissed, that student will not, among other things, be recognized as an NHS member at graduation.
Section 4: A student who appears to no longer meet the first standard of Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society in reference to Milton Honor Code Violations will receive at least one week's written notice of a hearing before the Faculty Selection Committee to determine the appropriate action to be taken, including but not limited to dismissal from the honor society. The Faculty Selection Committee may obtain information concerning a student's failure to comply with chapter standards through a variety of sources, including but not limited to disciplinary reports filed by members of Milton High School's faculty and/or administration. Notice of the hearing will be sent to the student via email.
Section 5: If a student appears to no longer meet the standards of Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society at a point in the school year when providing that student with a week's notice of a hearing before the Faculty Selection Committee would render the issue of dismissal or discipline moot (for example, if an issue arises shortly before graduation), the student has two choices. The student may either consent to a hearing with potentially much less notice or the student can agree to march in graduation without being designated as a member of the honor society.
Section 6: The student may be present for the Faculty Selection Committee hearing, at which time the student may present his or her explanation of mitigating circumstances and/or other information which the student deems relevant to the committee's consideration of his or her situation. The student's behavior at the hearing is subject to reasonable rules of conduct which may be established by the Faculty Selection Committee.
Section 7: Neither the student, either one of his or her parents, legal guardians, nor any legal representative of the student is entitled to be present during the Faculty Selection Committee's deliberations after the hearing is concluded.
Section 8: The Faculty Selection Committee will determine what sanction(s), if any, are appropriate in light of all of the information before it. The Faculty Selection Committee may, if that committee deems it appropriate, allow the student to perform restitution on a probationary basis such that the student may cure the offense and return to having membership in good standing. The Faculty Selection Committee may also deprive the student of some of the benefits of membership in good standing. In all such cases, if the student does not comply with the Faculty Selection Committee's decisions in all respects, the student automatically forfeits his or her membership in Milton High School's chapter of the National Honor Society without the necessity of a second hearing. The Faculty Selection Committee may also determine that the student's actions are such that the student can not remain in the honor society. Such a final determination will only be reached through a unanimous vote of the Faculty Selection Committee. In all cases, discussions and balloting by the Faculty Selection Committee will remain confidential.
Section 9: Written notice of dismissal will first be sent to the school principal. Written notice will then be sent to the student and to his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Section 10: If the student is dismissed, he or she may appeal the decision to the school principal and thereafter follow the same rules and procedures as for other district disciplinary actions.
Section 11: Once a dismissal has been finalized, a student will not be reconsidered for readmission to the honor society.
Section 12: In regards to discipline and dismissal concerning failure to meet requirements for service hours and/or attendance of chapter meetings the following process will be followed:
Students failing to meet membership requirements will be given a probationary period in which to have time to return to good standing in the chapter.
If students fail to return to good standing within the probationary period students will be recommended for dismissal.
Students will receive notice of their recommendation for dismissal and will be given an opportunity to submit a written appeal for the Faculty Selection Committee to consider before voting on dismissal. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration by the Council.
Article XIII
Membership Privileges
Honor society members in good standing will be recognized publicly at the official graduation ceremony of Milton High School.
Honor society members in good standing will be allowed to claim membership to the society on all college applications.